Falling Into Temptaion Vulyncia Poindexter Book Review With Spoilers
Isn't wearing opaque glasses self-defeating?
They're not coke-bottle spectacles he's wearing, they're paperweights in a frame. Spectacles in Comics,Manga and animated media usually come up in four forms — there are tiny little things that don't go far the way (come across Cool Mask), and so-clear-they're-almost-non-there spectacles worn by pretty girls (a.k.a. meganekko) and handsome boys, lenses meant to hibernate the grapheme's optics from anyone who wants to get a glimpse at their soul (Scary Shiny Spectacles), and then there are Opaque Nerd Glasses.
Opaque Nerd Spectacles are two 4-inch disks that hide the wearer's eyes behind blank white circles, that can be marked either with sparse blackness spiraling lines, or, in the western variant, pocket-size or hazy dots denoting pupils. In some cases, the person's eyes volition stay every bit tiny black dots even when the glasses are taken off, possibly to bespeak how bad their eyesight is, or to brand them await naked without their iconic glasses. They indicate that a character is painfully geeky, and is probably Blind Without 'Em.
Female characters with Opaque Nerd Glasses often reveal that they were Beautiful All Forth upon their removal. Male characters may be The Brusk Guy with Glasses.
This trope is found more often in comedy than in drama.
Subtrope of Nerd Glasses. Contrast with Meganekko.
See likewise Opaque Lenses.
Opaque Nerd Glasses often play a part in the Unwanted Glasses Plot.
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Anime & Manga
- Miyuki Miyazawa in the TV series version of All-Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku.
- Sandy Grayson in Aoi Business firm.
- Maylene from Black Butler. Somewhat justified equally it neutralizes her cool farsightedness when not going Guns Akimbo with scopeless rifles.
- Subverted with Roberta from Blackness Lagoon. They're huge only they role like Scary Shiny Glasses. When they're aren't opaque, you encounter a glare with the fury of 10,000 Hells.
- A throwaway gag in Bleach has Ichigo offered a pair of these (and a Hachimaki) by a classmate who he outperformed.
- Sakura Yamazaki in Bluish Seed only wears her nerd glasses when fighting demons.
- Tyki Mikk from D.Greyness-Man wears a pair of these when he's disguised as a vagabond. A male person case of a character being incredibly beautiful when not wearing them.
- Watabe from Doki Doki Schoolhouse Hours though he is more of an Otaku.
- Episode 9 of Gintama gives u.s. an interesting case; an old man with Opaque Nerd Glasses. Nether the glasses, he has the eyes of Miyamoto Musashi!
- Mamoru Kagemori, the title character of Guardian Ninja Mamoru, wears a fake pair of these to disguise the fact that he is a highly skilled teen ninja.
- Played for Drama in Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger. Nyorori's nerd glasses aren't unremarkably opaque, typically letting his pupils and eyebrows through. Yet, they become opaque when Pakaracchi is begging him to Please Wake Up. It'south a powerful visual indicator that, yep, things have gotten serious.
- Osaragi from Kaguya-sama: Dearest Is War. Despite -or possibly considering of- this, she is considered to be very attractive in-universe.
- Arara Cocoa from the Lamune & 40 series, though this is mostly in the TV series equally she doesn't wear them in later installments of the series.
- The joke was later carried over into Cyber Squad in Akihabara (produced by the same staff) with Cocoa'south sorta-expy Miyama Soshigaya/Death Crow, who happens to share the same seiyuu every bit Cocoa, just not the same personality.
- Invoked by Sanae in Dear, Chunibyo & Other Delusions by putting them on only when she read a Volume Of Doom that was probable written by Shinka.
- Naru Narusegawa in her "nerd fashion" in Dearest Hina. Nonetheless, once Naru has plainly become the love involvement in the story, The Glasses Gotta Go — and when they are seen afterward, they are no longer opaque and spiralled, but simple clear Meganekko circles. As well, in the manga, she gives her Opaque Nerd Glasses to Shinobu as a "good luck" token when the younger girl is taking exams; later, Motoko uses them for the same purpose while studying to get into Tokyo U.
- Naru's Expy Chisame from Negima! Magister Negi Magi started with the aforementioned look, occasionally falling back into it during her moments of badgerer.
- Makoto Takiya from Miss Kobayashi'south Dragon Maid unremarkably doesn't clothing glasses, only he spontaneously gains the classic opaque spiral lenses when he enters "otaku mode".
- Nanatsuiro Drops has Keisuke, a friend of main character Haru.
- Karin and Shiho from Naruto. Shiho's are coke-bottle glasses while Karin's have thick blackness frames. Interestingly, both are huge Fangirls of other characters who have notwithstanding to render their involvement — Sasuke for Karin and Shikamaru for Shiho. And Udon, who loves factoring.
- Saori of Oreimo uses them to provoke a stereotypical otaku image. Although she does like things like anime, she is more of an ojou and doesn't take much of stereotypical traits of an otaku.
- Haruhi from Ouran High School Host Guild is initially introduced wearing a pair of thick horn-rimmed glasses. The club members apace supervene upon them with contact lenses to show her cute eyes. Flashbacks show that she did non wear glasses in middle school, but this is explained — she'd lost her contacts and hadn't been able to replace them.
- Leo from PandoraHearts. They're not there for correction, though. They're actually there for the opposite purpose and eventually, he loses them.
- Ayaori of Penguin Revolution wears Opaque Nerd Glasses most of the fourth dimension in order to keep from being recognized as Peacock's number 1 talent.
- In The Prince of Tennis, characters like Sadaharu Inui and Hiroshi Yagyuu wear thick spectacles that hide their eyes from sight (though Yagyuu'south glasses are more than Meganekko-type). In fact, a running gag in the anime is to have Inui's teammates and friends attempting to to have his glasses off and see his eyes.
- Mousse from Ranma ½ is an odd case: He has the glasses, only he'southward not a nerd. He is, however, an obsessive Stalker with a Crush with no common sense. He's Bullheaded Without 'Em, yet never puts them on until after he has, for instance, spent 5 minutes talking to a tree nether the assumption that information technology'southward actually Shampoo. He as well has a addiction of taking them off to attempt something dramatic, so doing something stupid because he can't see. And even when turning into a duck, he all the same habiliment a pair of duck-sized Nerd Glasses.
- Inverted for Reborn! (2004)'s Koyo Aoba, who evidently can't come across a damn affair through his glasses, but everyone can run across his eyes. This is because they apparently work similarly to Cyclops' ruby quartz visor, except instead of lasers, Koyo'southward glasses simply concord back the truthful abilities he inherited.
- Princess Dia from Sailor Moon. In the manga, this leads the girls to speculate how another nerd, Umino, might look without his own always-present Opaque Nerd Glasses. Word of God states that yes, Umino is completely Bishōnen without them.
- In a flashback, it is shown that Faust VIII from Shaman King used to article of clothing these.
- Ginnosuke from Tokyo Cloak-and-dagger is a good example, with thick glasses complete with spirals. When he loses them for a short time, the principal character (a longtime friend) doesn't even recognize him, and a few girls discover him quite attractive. Chelsea, one of the other main characters, tin never retrieve his proper name and defaults to "Megane-kun". He's besides a rather proficient calculator hacker, and ironically fights better with the glasses off.
- In the anime version of Urusei Yatsura, the beginning New Yr'southward Special has Momotaro, a legendary Japanese hero, wearing a fix of these. In fact, he looks a lot like a somewhat younger Mousse.
- Gadgeteer Genius Parfet from Vandread. They don't have the spirals, just they are extremely opaque.
- In The Wallflower, Kyohei wears these when he really needs to study for an exam, which distresses his fangirls as the glasses make him look much less Bishōnen than usual.
- Makoto Ariga from Wandering Son in her first few appearances. Afterwards you lot could see her eyes at all times.
- Eddie Sukenari from You're My Pet. Results in Bishie Sparkle and women falling all over him when he takes them off.
- Weevil Underwood from Yu-Gi-Oh! had some similar these, thought they were only opaque whenever the lite caught them.
- Carly from Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D'southward wears a pair of large spiral spectacles, although they're seen through on occasion. Once, when they fall off, she'southward seen with lines for optics, only when Misty removes them in a afterward episode, her eyes are normal, and actually quite attractive. She loses them after Divine murders her. Well, they wouldn't really get with the Superpowered Evil Side that came with the resurrection. After Episode 59, they were all that was left of her... Fortunately, as the heroes accept Deus ex Machina on their side, Death Is Cheap.
- Maruo-kun in Chibi Maruko-chan, who has the spiral swirls to match his neurotic personality. This is a trait he gets from his mom.
Comic Books
- Comic artist Scott McCloud draws himself with these in his book, Understanding Comics, and the other books in the serial. No spirals, though. Also playing with it on ane occasion, when he makes the betoken that the character he'due south depicting himself equally doesn't really look very much like a real human — and demonstrates this by taking off his glasses, revealing there really are no eyes behind them.
- Perhaps on a deadline of Scary Shiny Glasses and Opaque Nerd Glasses — Jonas Harrow from the Marvel universe wears spiraly glasses.
- Superman'southward Nerd Spectacles are sometimes Opaque Nerd Glasses, Depending on the Artist. In comics, different real life, the blank white circles actually exercise mask his appearance. Medium Awareness, anyone?
- Incredible Blob: Bruce Imprint's about recognizable advent is that of a brusque, scrawny, lab-coat-wearing geek with completely opaque nerd spectacles.
- Agent Monocle from InvestiGators.
- This is true likewise for Peter Parker, the Amazing Spider-Man, before his original transformation took abroad his lacking heart sight.
- Norby: The just characters drawn with spectacles in the accommodation of Norby, the Mixed-Upwardly Robot accept just the white lenses instead of pupils or irises. For actress nerd points, they're all bird-watchers, too.
Comic Strips
- Dilbert:
- Dilbert is this trope personified.
- Wally too. AFAIK, all eyeglasses in that strip are fatigued this way.
- Jason from FoxTrot always has his optics covered with his trademark glasses. Even when he takes them off, he ofttimes squints.
- Rob from Become Fuzzy originally wore these, though they were gradually phased out.
- Marcie from Peanuts.
- Love Huan in Doonesbury, who sometimes seems similar a grown-upward Marcie.
- All glasses in The Far Side are drawn this manner. Female characters are also typically depicted with "cat-eye" frames - in animal panels this becomes a 3rd Sexual Characteristic.
Fan Works
- In This Toon Round - the Funny Creature version of This Time Round, the pub exterior Doctor Who continuity - the character of Daibhid Chelonidae is a geeky and nervous tortoise with nearly opaque spectacles. Since he'southward totally not based on a existent person, neither are the glasses.
- In My Hero Playthrough Hikari wore these in the past to protect her eyes from her powers. The fact that she doesn't demand them in the nowadays is part of why Mikoto doesn't recognize her.
Films — Live-Action
- From Russia with Love has Rosa Klebb wearing particularly hideous thick-framed and thick-lensed spectacles in many scenes.
- In SLC Punk!, the toughest punk in Salt Lake City wears "square" clothing and a pair of nerd spectacles. Other punks assume that he'due south a wimp and pay for it with a bloody olfactory organ.
- Harry Potter: Moaning Myrtle's spectacles have been described every bit this, including existence then thick they hibernate her eyes sometimes.
- Diary of a Wimpy Child: Greg'south mom is almost e'er drawn with these types of glasses. Without them, her eyes are black dots just like anybody else's.
Live-Activity Television receiver
- Bailey on WKRP in Cincinnati wore them periodically.
- Ane episode of Kids Incorporated has Renee getting several pairs of glasses. We run across her Opaque Nerd Glasses, and it is mentioned that she has 2 other colours and likewise wears contacts for concerts. Kudos to them for at to the lowest degree mentioning the colour variety.
- The Tonight Show: Ernie Kovacs' oddball poet character Percy Dovetonsils wears glasses with insanely thick lenses. The Character originated on Ernie Kovac's own show "3 to Get Ready" which had appeared on local TV station WPTZ (now KYW-TV) in Philadelphia in 1950.
- The Twilight Zone (1959):
- Henry Bemis from "Time Enough at Last" is a particularly famous example.
- Oliver Crangle from "Four O'Clock" wears them too.
- A.P. Bio: Heather wears outrageously thick far-sighted glasses, so they either magnify her optics to huge size or completely obscure them based on the angle.
- John Flansburgh of They Might Be Giants (the founders of nerdrock) is known for his spectacles. Bandmate John Linnell is as well bespectacled, merely he takes them off before going onstage.
- A visual trademark of Devo'south Mark Mothersbaugh.
Puppet Shows
- The Muppet Show
- Scooter has thick glasses with his eyes on the lenses. His eyes are on his glasses, not his face. His Distaff Counterpart Skeeter has an identical pair on Muppet Babies.
- At the other finish of the spectrum, Dr. Bunsen Honeydew has no eyes at all behind his glasses, which gives the result of Opaque Lenses, fifty-fifty though the frames are empty.
Video Games
- Super Mario Bros.:
- Some characters from the games have Nerd Glasses, such as Iggy Koopa, Professor E. Gadd from Luigi's Mansion and Professor Frankly from Paper Mario. These characters commonly await (and sometimes audio) more Japanese than the others.
- A few background characters in the Super Mario Adventures comic have these.
- All Magikoopas habiliment these as well.
- Fawful from the Mario & Luigi games sports these glasses, consummate with spirals and crazy grinning.
- In Super Robot Wars Original Generation, Latooni wears these to begin with. Just their size is actually functional, as they're used to help her collect an analyze data. When she finds herself undergoing a dramatic shift in appearance, she loses them altogether. In the remake for the Playstation two, she is instead given a pair of Meganekko glasses. This was parodied (foreshadowed?) in a Yonkoma where several characters tried to go Ryusei to talk her into putting the glasses back on.
- A fortune teller named Kalifa in Skies of Arcadia has a pair of the big, spiral variant. She joins your crew once y'all become your own ship.
- Lucca from Chrono Trigger has these, only really manages to be attractive despite information technology. Really, she'due south got the transparent Meganekko glasses — you can come across this in all the official fine art and animations, as well as her grapheme information screen. They're just opaque in-game because of sprite limitations — information technology's hard to denote "spectacles" without them being opaque when the lenses need to be only two or three pixels wide.
- Pokémon:
- Chobin in Pokémon XD: Gale of Darkness has googly spectacles, which are obviously essential to his functioning.
- Clemont in Pokémon X and Y. Interestingly, this is abandoned in the anime in favor of the occasional Scary Shiny Glasses.
- The Cosplay Pikachu in the Omega and Alpha remakes of Pokémon Ruby and Sapphire dons these in her PhD costume.
- Blipbug, introduced in Pokémon Sword and Shield has optics without pupils that are pretty clearly based on this trope as part of its bookworm artful.
- Modo's son in The Legendary Starfy wear some of these glasses to emphasize his genius trait. The guy built a space train all past himself, subsequently all.
- Female parent:
- EarthBound: Both Jeff, the Gadgeteer Genius and Hollywood Nerd, and his estranged father, the scientist Dr. Andonuts, take these.
- EarthBound Beginnings: Lloyd, the gummy eleven-year-old with a stiff interest in computers and technology, has round glasses that are these.
- Live Powerful Pro Baseball has the recurring Barrel-Monkey Akio Yabe, the chief sidekick of the main character. Throughout the series he gets at least 4 identical strangers who wear the aforementioned gigantic glasses and an extended family of half-brothers who are vaguely distinguished by some kind of mark on the face, facial hair or the shape of their spectacles.
- One of the classmates in Yo-Kai Watch is a girl named Shelly with spectacles like these. Her Japanese name, Shiori, tin can be translated as "bookmark".
- The Fanboy smileys in Everybody Edits both come with thick white glasses. They were fairly rare, and could just be gotten by sending a creative letter to specific staff members or winning certain contests.
Spider web Original
- In Scrub Club, Squeaks'south eyes can't exist seen through his spectacles.
Web Comics
- Subverted in El Goonish Shive, in which one of the lead characters pretends to exist Blind Without 'Em; in actuality, his glasses are loftier-tech espionage gear (including an 10-Ray Vision feature which he removed to avoid temptation), and help hide the fact that he'southward so painfully girly that only looking into his eyes tends to cause Stupid Sexy Flemish region moments in heterosexual males.
- In Narbonic, Dave's glasses don't accept the spirals, but office similar Opaque Nerd Glasses in every other way — until he goes mad, and they suddenly get totally clear.
- In Triquetra Cats
, Rain Soricha wore a pair of these in her adopted noncombatant life. When she becomes a super-powered magic user, she removes them, revealing her big sparkly doe eyes.
- Ping from MegaTokyo starts wearing these in an endeavour to wait Hollywood Homely and fit in with the jealous girls of her grade. To her horror information technology pretty much ends up as meganekko, no affair how nerdy the glasses.
- Dave of Real Life Comics wears these. One strip even lampshades this trope when another character that wears normal spectacles inquire Dave why his glasses are opaque. It turns out that Dave's glasses are multifunctional displays with internet access.
- Gwynn of Sluggy Freelance is a classic example of this trope, not only being Blind Without 'Em but besides Cute All Along.
- Piffany from Nodwick. The glasses seem but to become bigger as Art Evolution goes.
- Meegs the sorcerer aprentice in Yet Some other Fantasy Gamer Comic.
- Emojueel of Juathuur sports them.
- Ichabod of Far Out There boasts an especially gigantic pair.
- Jade and John in Homestuck both sport some. John's are rectangular spectacles, though they can be hard to see because the bridge isn't often drawn; Jade's are big and round. Several other characters likewise wear glasses, but the nerdiness of them are debatable: Sollux fits the nerdy archetype well, being an extremely practiced computer developer, only his cerise-and-bluish Cool Shades are used more to cover up his bizarre colour-changing optics than announce nerdiness; Vriska's big lenses lucifer those requirements, but her personality really doesn't fit.
- Mouse wears them in Squid Row, though his eyes are shown in close-upwardly shots.
- Both Matchu and his dearest interest Amber.
- Ed, the Cloudcuckoolander of the master cast of Paranatural sports these.
- White Nighttime Life: Tori was actually designed with this in mind.
- Chroma the Starting time from Princess Chroma seems to have these, but it turns out the lenses are just amazingly muddy. Otherwise, they're but evidently old Nerd Spectacles.
- Goseng from Tower of God has such glasses. She has an unusual look for the context — few people in the Belfry wear glasses at all, possibly because they're e'er improving themselves with Shinsu, and they're a office of how she'southward drawn a bit more than just than other characters. The glasses besides highlight how she's unusually ordinary for a Regular climbing the Belfry, not exactly a superhuman powerhouse.
- Thaddeus Euphemism from The Petri Dish wears glasses that you tin't encounter his eyes through.
- Dr. Phage from Awful Hospital has these, consummate with spirals. Turns out these actually are his optics, and naught is behind them.
Western Animation
- Professor Farnsworth in Futurama has a pair of Nerd Glasses, and indeed his eyes are never seen in the series. Subverted in one episode where he needed his "reading spectacles" — and put on a pair several times thicker than his already fairly enormous glasses (to the point that they looked like drinking glass cylinders). At to the lowest degree somewhat of a Justified Trope: Professor Farnsworth is 160 years sometime. Anyone'southward vision would go pretty bad by that historic period.
- An early instance of this is Poindexter from the onetime Felix the True cat prove. He not only wears nerd glasses merely he also wears a lab coat and a graduation cap and mortarboard.
- The Simpsons
- Prof. Frink wears these, which hide his pupils.
- Milhouse wears a pair with smaller lenses.
- Bart wore some temporarily to correct his lazy eye:
(Bart and Milhouse see their reflections in each other'due south spectacles)
Bart: (gasp) I'thou a nerd!Milhouse: (gasp) Then am I!
- Waylon Smithers besides wears these.
- And so does Ned Flanders!
- Franz Hopper of Code Lyoko. Okay, then Jérémie Belpois is pretty unfortunate in the eyewear section as well, but at least we can still see his optics.
- Sheldon Klutzberry on the The Replacements wears glasses that are so thick and heavy they cripple his posture and pinch his nose making him sound like Jerry Lewis. And aye, when he takes them off, he unwillingly turns into a middle-schoolhouse hunk.
- Alexa from Shape Quest
- An episode of Goof Troop has Max have to temporarily wear nerd glasses because he'd messed up his eyes playing videogames. With Max despondent almost it, Goofy told him a story near an ancestor of theirs in the wild westward who stopped a bandit thanks to his ain nerd glasses.
- Arthur. Similar Scooter on The Muppet Show, the title character's eyes are his spectacles—the lenses are all white, with dots in them for his pupils. Almost other characters terminate up this way when they stop up wearing spectacles. In before flashback episodes, his optics sans spectacles were the same as everyone else'due south, but they soon gave him Peanuts-way floating dots instead.
- Beth and Harold from Total Drama also have dotted eyes without their nerd glasses (although it's a bit more mutual in their universe). They are also considered to exist the nerdiest of the contestants.
- SpongeBob Squarepants wears these for rubber when out jellyfishing.
- Beavis And Butthead: Beavis gets an eye exam and when he tin't read whatever of the letters, considering, well, he tin't read, is given a massively thick-lensed pair of spectacles, making him functionally bullheaded, and somehow even goofier-looking.
- Became a major plot point in Hey Arnold! where Rich Bitch Rhonda (in karmic retribution for her earlier discriminatory attitude towards geeks past having them sit in the back of the motorbus) is forced to wear nerdy glasses when her school nurse and aunt reveals she is short-sighted. The humiliation in sitting in the last row prompts Rhonda to discard her glasses, merely her short-sightedness causes her to get into embarrassing situations such as getting glue on her shirt and toilet paper on her shoe. Furious at the inequalities she and the geeks are forced to endure in school, she stages a revolution and gets dorsum at one of the cool kids who forced her into the back row by refusing to budge from her first-row seat and convincing the kids to sit wherever they desire (ending in the cool kid having to sit in the back row). In the end, equally icing on the cake, Rhonda gets a better pair of glasses.
- Curly from Hey Arnold! is an first-class case.
- Cedric Sner in The Raccoons albeit his eyes are small-scale similar ii dots to begin with. Due to this he was called Cegato (Blindy) in the Spanish dub.
Real Life
- Bifocals and glasses that correct for astigmatism.
- It doesn't assistance that many works depicting The Nostalgic Fifties and Sixties tend to associate them with the prudish Schoolhouse Marm or other unsympathetic authority figures trying their darnedest to suppress The New Rock & Roll. It'due south no wonder and then many associate horn-rims with the McCarthy hearings or the Beehive Hairdo-sporting women of The Far Side.
- Ironically, MTV conservative Lisa Kennedy Montgomery was one of the commencement people to bring them back in The '90s.
- Nerdfighters!
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/OpaqueNerdGlasses
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