Funny Memes for Adults Child Support
As a young woman who has known since she was 16 years old that she doesn't want any children of her own, it is always irritating when my peers as well as older folks poo-poo my wishes and say that "I'll change my mind when I'm older," or "it is different when they're yours."
I personally have nothing against children, it is just that being a mother is not the right role for me. I'm perfectly content with being the cool aunt, and pampering my two dogs.
If you, like me, know that you don't want any children, and get irritated by people around you not respecting your lifestyle choice, then this list of the 12 funniest childfree memes will make you laugh whenever your family and friends start asking you when you're going to reproduce.
12 All Hail Birth Control

We want to hug whoever came up with the idea of birth control, especially the Pill. Not only does it create for shorter periods and help issues like PMDD, but it also means we can maintain our childfree lifestyle. Now that's a win-win situation all around!
11 We Can't Figure Out Why Being Fixed Is A bad Thing In Humans

No one bats an eye when we spay or neuter our pets, but the minute you want a vasectomy or a hysterectomy, the entire medical community throws a hissy fit.
10 The Screeching

Despite our best efforts, it can be difficult to block out the shrill screams of a toddler throwing a temper-tantrum. We might have to start packing ear plugs in our bags just in case of an emergency when we go out.
9 Even Our Pets Are Irritated By Annoying Kids

Some kids are really awesome and well-behaved, but then there are others that make even our pets want to raise a paw and screech at them to get off our lawn, dagnabit!
8 Why Can't Some Parents Actually Parent?

For every awesome parent who immediately steps outside when their child starts yelling at a restaurant, there's always another parent who just lets them shriek wildly and disrupt everyone's meal.
7 Beauty Sleep

Sure, some kids are adorable, but at the end of day, we, childfree folks, don't have the wherewithal to get up multiple times in the middle of the night.
6 We Just Don't Have The Patience For Kids

Many childfree folks can only tolerate being around children in small doses, and vastly prefer being the cool aunt or uncle.
5 We'd Much Rather Snuggle Up In Bed With Our Pets

The good thing about being childfree is that we can sleep in just a little bit later on weekdays without having to worry about driving little ones to school, before we head to work.
4 Who Doesn't Love A Good Sale?

While everyone is at brunch for Father's Day or Mother's Day with their little ones, and their grandparents, we can take advantage of awesome sales.
3 Pets > Kids

Sure, cats can be jerks, but at least we don't have to worry about changing diapers or bottle-feeding them. All we have to do is feed them, give them water, and teach them how to use a litter box.
2 The Double Standard In Society Is Real

No one bats an eye when a young adult decides to have a child, but society loses its collective mind when an adult decides to not have a child. Seems legit.
1 We're Happy For You, It's Just Not A Lifestyle We Want

We're always happy for our friends who decide to have children, but it's definitely not a lifestyle that we want for ourselves.
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